This list contains 40 titles

A caring state? [Текст] : Welfare state retrenchment, the effects on women, and feminist responses in Sweden / Peterson E. Publication: Brussel : Artberg, 2021Description: 100 p.Items available for loan: Абонемент[32] (1).
A Matter of Style: Women in the Fashion Industry [Текст] : Women Then - Women Now / Leuzzi L. Publication: London, Hong Kong, Sydney, Danbury, Connecticut : Franklin Watts, 1996Description: 160 p.Items available for loan: Абонемент[746.4] (1).
Art [Текст] : Context and Criticism / Kissick J. Publication: Brown & Benchmark, 1993Description: 512 s. : il.Items available for loan: Абонемент[7.03] (1).
ART Ukraine [Текст]. № 2 (27) березень-квітень Журнал: АРТ Ukraine. — Київ : Оранта.Publication: Київ, 2012Description: 188 c. : іл.Items available for loan: Читальний зал (1).
ART Ukraine [Текст]. № 6-2 (31-33) Журнал: АРТ Ukraine. — Київ : Оранта.Publication: Київ, 2012-2013Description: 180 c. : іл.Items available for loan: Читальний зал (2).
Beyong God the Father [Текст] : Toward a Philosophy of Women's Liberation / Daly M. Publication: London : The Women's Press, 1991Description: 226 p.Items available for loan: Абонемент[1] (1).
Differencing the canon [Текст] : Feminist Desire and the Writing of Art's Histories / Pollock G. Publication: London. New York : Routledge, 2006Description: 245 p. : il.Items available for loan: Читальний зал[7.01] (1).
Feminise politics now! [Текст] : Toolkit developed by the municipalist movement / Roth L., Zugasti Hervas I., Baciero A. Publication: Madrid/Brussel : Artberg, 2020Description: 140 p.Items available for loan: Абонемент (1).
Gender & Nation [Текст] / Yuval-Davis N. Publication: London : SAGE publication Ltd., 2012Description: 157 p. : il.Items available for loan: Читальний зал[305] (1).
Global feminisms [Текст] : New directions in contemporary art Publication: London - New York : MERREL - Brooklyn Museum, 2007Description: 304 p. : il.Items available for loan: Читальний зал[7.038] (1).
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