This list contains 119 titles

... And other such stories [Текст] Publication: New -York : Columbia Books, 2019Description: 215 p. : il.Items available for loan: Абонемент[711] (1).
"Комедія" Данте Аліг'єрі [Текст] : Мистецький коментар XIV - XX століть / Петрова О. Publication: Київ : Факт, 2009Description: 424 с. : іл.Items available for loan: Абонемент[766.056] (1).
11 + 1 [Текст] : Baffi D., Bartosova A., Bicek R., Czinege M., Cernusak M., Cincalova E., Hrachovinova L., Kaminkova L., Mrvova J., Sedlacik R., Sille E. + Csudai I. Publication: Bratislava : Klub Rodinne Strieblro, 2009Description: il.Items available for loan: Абонемент[75(437.6)(083)] (1).
A caring state? [Текст] : Welfare state retrenchment, the effects on women, and feminist responses in Sweden / Peterson E. Publication: Brussel : Artberg, 2021Description: 100 p.Items available for loan: Абонемент[32] (1).
And Now [Текст] : Architecture Against a Developer Presidency : Essays on the Occasion of Trump's Inauguration Publication: Columbia : Columbia Books, 2017Description: 256 p. : il.Серія: The Avery ReviewItems available for loan: Абонемент[72.01] (1).
Archiwum Boleslawa Fariona. Portrety dawnego Roztocza. W negatywach lubaczowskiego fotografa [Текст] Publication: Radruz, 2023Description: 224 s. : il.Items available for loan: Абонемент[77(438)] (1).
Contemporary Ukrainian Crafts = Традиційні ремесла у сучасному виконанні [Текст] Publication: Київ : CP Publishing , 2024Description: 272 p.Items available for loan: Читальний зал[745/749(477)] (1), Абонемент[745(477)] (1).
Conversations with Architects [Текст] : In the Age of Celebrity / Belogolovsky V. Publication: Berlin : DOM Publishers, 2015Description: 583 p. : il.Items available for loan: Абонемент[72(4/8)] (1).
Denver Art Museum [Текст] : Museum Guide. Spring/Summer 2024 Publication: Denver, 2023Items available for loan: Абонемент[7:069(73)] (1).
Design engineering AKT Adams Kara Taylor [Текст] Publication: Barcelona : Actar, [2008]Description: 320 p. : ill.Items available for loan: Абонемент[7.05] (1).
Designum [Текст] : Casopis o dizajne. № 2 Publication: Bratislava, 2024Description: 88 s. : ill.Items available for loan: Читальний зал (1).
Feminise politics now! [Текст] : Toolkit developed by the municipalist movement / Roth L., Zugasti Hervas I., Baciero A. Publication: Madrid/Brussel : Artberg, 2020Description: 140 p.Items available for loan: Абонемент (1).
From Collector to Art Patron [Текст] : Exposition of works donated from the Linea Collection Publication: Bratislava : Slovenska narodna galeria, 2024Description: 96 p. : ill.Items available for loan: Абонемент[7.074] (1).
Galang 01 [Текст] : Belonging Publication: New York : Powerhouse Publishing, 2022Description: 224 p. : il.Items available for loan: Абонемент[73/76(73)] (1).
Group efforts [Текст] : changing public space : Hayal Pozanti and Todd Shalom. Greta Hansen, Kyung Jae Kim, and Adam Koogler. Karen Finley. Mabel O. Wilson Publication: New York : GSAPP Books, 2015Description: 92 p. : il.Серія: GSAPP TranscriptsItems available for loan: Абонемент[712] (1).
Here is how [Текст] : We connect, collaborate & create : University at Buffalo. University Libraries Publication: Buffalo : University at Buffalo LibrariesDescription: 35 p. : il.Items available for loan: Абонемент[02] (1).
Holiday Broadside [Текст] : Featuring Hoa Nguyen and Colette Butterick : The Poetry Collection Publication: Buffalo, 2023Description: аркуш складений 1 разItems available for loan: Абонемент[75(73)(062.5)] (1).
Impermanent slovak national gallery exhibition [Текст] : Guide / Buran D., Chmelinova K. Publication: Bratislava : Slovak National Gallery, 2015Description: 93 s. : il.Items available for loan: Абонемент[7.046.3(083)] (1).
ink [Текст] : or "V is for Vermilion as described by Vitruvius" : An A to Z of Ink in Architecture / Fornabai M. Publication: New York : GRAPP Books, 2013Description: 114 p. + appendicesItems available for loan: Абонемент[72.02] (1).
Josef Lewkowicz [Текст] : Swiat drzeworytu plazowskiego / Dziura M. Publication: Przemysl, 2024Description: 36 s. : il.Items available for loan: Абонемент[76(438)(092)] (2).
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