... And other such stories [Текст] Publication: Columbia : Columbia Books, 2019Description: 215 p. : il.Items available for loan: Абонемент (1).
"Комедія" Данте Аліг'єрі [Текст] : Мистецький коментар XIV - XX століть / Петрова О. Publication: Київ : Факт, 2009Description: 424 с. : іл.Items available for loan: Абонемент[766.056]
11 + 1 [Текст] : Baffi D., Bartosova A., Bicek R., Czinege M., Cernusak M., Cincalova E., Hrachovinova L., Kaminkova L., Mrvova J., Sedlacik R., Sille E. + Csudai I. Publication: Bratislava : Klub Rodinne Strieblro, 2009Description: il.Items available for loan: Абонемент[75(437.6)(083)]
A caring state? [Текст] : Welfare state retrenchment, the effects on women, and feminist responses in Sweden / Peterson E. Publication: Brussel : Artberg, 2021Description: 100 p.Items available for loan: Абонемент[32]
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Archiwum Boleslawa Fariona. Portrety dawnego Roztocza. W negatywach lubaczowskiego fotografa [Текст] Publication: Radruz, 2023Description: 224 s. : il.Items available for loan: Абонемент[77(438)]
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Conversations with Architects [Текст] : In the Age of Celebrity / Belogolovsky V. Publication: Berlin : DOM Publishers, 2015Description: 583 p. : il.Items available for loan: Абонемент[72(4/8)]
Denver Art Museum [Текст] : Museum Guide. Spring/Summer 2024 Publication: Denver, 2023Items available for loan: Абонемент (1).
Design engineering AKT Adams Kara Taylor [Текст] Publication: Barcelona : Actar, [2008]Description: 320 p. : ill.Items available for loan: Абонемент[7.05]